Food cross reactivity chart
Food cross reactivity chart

food cross reactivity chart

The birch allergen Bet v 1 often leads to cross-reactions to hazelnuts and other nuts, apples, drupes and other stone fruits, carrots and soya, while people who are allergic to mugwort or ragweed often experience allergic reactions to celery, spices, cucumbers, melons or bananas. Triggers include pollen in particular, but also house dust mites and animal hair. Cross-reactivity can also develop long after the primary allergy. Sometimes the primary allergy itself only triggers mild symptoms or none at all in this case, the allergic individual only experiences symptoms from the cross-reaction to the food. The severity of the primary allergy is irrelevant in a cross-reaction. Allergy organisations estimate that up to 60% of the food allergies among older children, adolescents and adults are cross-reactions related to a primary sensitisation to aeroallergens. Based on interviews with doctors, scientists at the Robert Koch Institute assume that a total of 4.7% of all adults in Germany have some form of food allergy. The prevalence of cross-reactions to foods is not precisely known and can therefore only be estimated.

food cross reactivity chart

Since certain proteins in fruits or vegetables are similar to pollen and latex allergens, allergic individuals can also experience an allergic reaction when they eat these foods. Cross-reactivity to food also occurs with latex allergies. This type of allergy is often referred to as oral allergy syndrome or cross-reactivity. Secondary food allergies usually appear in older children, adolescents and adults who have a primary allergy to airborne substances such as pollen (medical term: aeroallergens).

Food cross reactivity chart